Weekly Kids Activity and Lesson Highlights for Jubilee Kids Church 

Current Lesson Series

Kids Church 2024 Lesson Theme Shipwrecked

Last Week at Kids Church

Bible Memory Verse

For I am not ashamed of this good news about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. --- Romans 1:16a NLT

Bible Lesson

Paul was not ashamed to tell others about Christ --- Acts

Main Point

I Should Be Proud to Be on God's Team!

Kids News

Print out your kids news to be ready for any reviews and draws at this week's Kids Church. If there are any draw coupons in the Kids' News, bring them to Kids Church to have a chance to win fun prizes!  Click here for the latest Kids News


What was the Tsar of Russia's favorite fish?

Where do you find a down-and-out octopus?
On squid row!

What is a dolphin's favorite TV show?
Whale of fortune!